Brandon Brothers Co. H, Maury Grays 1st (Feilds) Tennessee Infantry, 1861. This picture shows three brothers who enlisted together in Company H. From left to right: James Brandon (killed in action at the battle of Kennesaw Mountain GA. and mentioned on p.129 and 133 of Co. Aytch), Edmond Brandon, (also mentioned in Co. Aytch on p. 134). Edmond moved to an area near Waco, TX after the war and was murdered in a robbery by some local farmhands in 1891. On the far right is Alexander Brandon who also served in Co. Aytch and also survived the war and died in 1892. There is also another brother, John Brandon who served in Co. Aytch. Yet another brother, Charles L. Brandon, served in Co. K, 7th TN Infantry (Sumner Co.) being captured during Pickett’s Charge up Cemetery Hill, spending the remainder of the war in Fort Delaware Prison, Delaware. Charles was pardoned by President Lincoln on April 14, 1865. Later that same day, the president was assassinated.
Courtesy Walt Cross and Tom Horn for the above information on the Brandon Brothers, which can be found on the Web at []